Company Introduction
The Independent Wine Centre (IWC) provides an unparalleled standard of wine education in the Asia Pacific region. We work with the food and beverage industry as well as the general public.
IWC Diary |
10 September 2008 |
品酒初級班 IWC Wine Appreciation I |
"Great course. Very informative and taught in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with plenty of good wines to try. Perfect for someone who enjoys their wine and would like to know more."
- Annabel d'Avillez |
Course Introduction: |
The most complete introductory wine course for the contemporary wine consumer. |
Course Approach: |
IWC Wine Appreciation I is designed to provide the most comprehensive foundation for wine-tasting at all levels, both professional and social. The course focuses on refining your sensory evaluation techniques and developing your sensory awareness. |
Pre-requsites: |
All you need is a passion for wine. |
Topics: |
The basics of wine, origins of the main tastes and styles in wine, and how to recognize them. |
Timing: |
4 contact hours spread over two weeks. |
Assessment: |
Continuous class assessment. |
Study Progress: |
When you successfully complete IWC Wine Appreciation I, you'll receive an IWC Award Certificate and can progress to IWC Wine Appreciation II. |
7:00-9:00pm ( Tuesday 23rd & 30th September) |
Course fee HK$1,600 is inclusive of course notes, tuition and international wines for tasting |
Session Plan of IWC Wine Appreciation I |
Week 1 - Introduction to Wine, basic elements in wine, wine styles and grape varieties |
Week 2 - Understanding wine quality, wine countries and regions |
喝得出的風土 Taste the Terroir |
The French loves the term 'Terroir'. It is almost mystical and exclusively French as a concept. The reality is that, soil and climate, basically what's below and above the rooted vines has a recognizable taste.
In Taste the Terroir, we will touch, feel soil and rocks from Pauillac, Champagne, Burgundy, Jerez, Chateauneuf-de-pape, Douro and Coonawarra and see exactly how the physical properties affect wine flavours. This is a highly educational tasting where we will examine the role of soil and their impact.
The tasting will include 8 top wine and vintages from top 'Terroir'. You will ‘touch' the wine!!!
( Saturday 27th September ) |
Course Fee HK$1,200 (4 Places Left) |
當酒遇上芝士 Which wine with which cheese |
大家經常把酒和芝士配對,到底是否真有「完美配搭」?市面上有三千多款葡萄酒,一千六百餘款芝士,要花多少精力時間才可把當中學問掌握好?導師Simon Tam既是釀酒師,亦是芝士製造師,定能專業地引領大家如何把兩者配對。
Wine and cheese are the most contemporary entertaining staples. BUT do we really have the perfect matches? On the last count there were more than 3000types of wine and 1600 types of cheeses. Generalizing cheese and wine matches not only waste wines but our time. Finding their perfect match is much harder than gross generalizing, it requires careful analysis to please the crowd. This tasting seminar is guided by Simon Tam, wine maker and cheese maker.
( Saturday 20th September ) |
Course Fee HK$880 (2 Places Left) |
餐飲業必修 Restaurant Essentials |
In just two hours, we will give all you need to deal with customers and their awkward wine questions. "Restaurants Essentials' is just that, anyone working in hospitality need to have accurate and up to date information to do a professional job. You and your staff will become your customer's reliable ‘wine referee'
Session 1 Corked wines, Do glasses make a difference, Comparative tasting of European vintages
Session 2 How to pronounce that? , Screwcap/Cork/Plastic Cork pros and cons, cork, Food and Wine Pairing philosophy and practical
2 x 1 hour sessions 4:00-5:00pm ( Monday 15th & Wednesday 17th September ) |
Course Fee HK$1,500 (3 Places Left) |
Enrollment Form |
For online subscription, click here |
For further inquiries, please visit our web site http://www.iwinecentre.com or email admin@iwinecentre.com or telephone :(852) 2549 0181 |
Please kindly make cheque payable to "Independent Wine Centre" and send to |
1603, Skyline Centre, 71 - 77 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, HK |
Course vacancies are filled in the order of received payment and a place will not be reserved until payment is received |
Please kindly reply 'NO' if you do not wish to receive further information on wine tasting seminars. |